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About Us

During the pandemic, my wife and I realized that not being able to go out took a huge toll on our kids’ mental and physical health. So, we started brainstorming ways for them to exercise and socialize with others while still adhering to the COVID-19 restrictions in place at the time. This led us to purchase our first virtual reality headset, and our kids were—and still are—excited about playing it. Sometime after, as restrictions became more lenient, we wanted to take the kids out to do something around town. However, we realized that entertainment options in Rochester, Minnesota, were very limited.

I had always wanted to own my own business, and in late 2023, we started looking for something new, innovative, and fun for the Rochester community. This inspired us to open Another World.

At Another World, we strive to provide the best virtual reality experience you'll ever have.

Another World is a Virtual Reality Arena

International chain of VR arenas
Another World arenas are already open in 250 cities across 36 countries worldwide. We develop our own VR games with free movement for our arenas.
Exciting games with friends
Play in groups of 2 to 20 players simultaneously. You can choose games of various genres and for any age.
Graphics that blur the boundaries of reality
When you are immersed in our games, it is sometimes difficult to determine where the game ends and reality begins. This atmosphere allows for unforgettable emotions.
A place for your events
Unforgettable events where every guest will have a great time. In our lounge, you can enjoy board games and console gaming.

Gather your team, other worlds await you

How to find us

2300 superior dr nw ste 3 rochester mn 55901
Working hours
Monday-Wednesday 4pm to 8pm
Thursday- 4 pm to 9 pm
Friday 1pm to 9pm
Saturday 11 am - 9 pm
Sunday 11am to 6pm